If you haven't visited D'Vines up in Columbia Heights yet, it is your duty to go and check out their beer selection. It is formidable. On top of that, they pulled off a few cases of Bashah, the Belgian Black Double IPA from Stone and Brewdog we raved about before. Tonight they will be letting patrons sample this brew and if you so choose, buy a few bottles.
The store also recently added a tap to the wall by the fridges, which means more beer! Tonight they will have a keg of Magic Hat's winter seasonal Howl, a black lager. And just so we continue with the theme here, they just got a shipment of Dogfish Head Chicory Stout.
Sounds like an interesting mix of roasty brews to try on this cold fall day.
D'Vines is right by the Columbia Heights metro. 3103 14th St. NW